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dissociation energy中文是什么意思

用"dissociation energy"造句"dissociation energy"怎么读"dissociation energy" in a sentence


  • 分解能
  • 解离能
  • 离解能


  • Bond dissociation energies of organic compounds
  • Theoretical study on the geometry and bond dissociation energy of tri - egdn and tetra - egdn
  • Bond dissociation energy
  • Bond dissociation energies
  • The inverse symmetry broken at the calculation of the dissociation energy using density function theory has been discussed
  • The analysis of the dissociation energy indicates that five structures were linked by the strong interaction , other two structures were linked by chemical bond . 1 . 3
  • It is indicated by quantum chemistry calculation that dissociation energy of ti , c and si is 108kj / mol , 499 . 7 kj / mol and 626 . 1 kj / mol , respectively , coincided well with the experimental ones found in literatures
    量子化学计算表明其离解能分别为108kj mol 、 499 . 7kj mol和626 . 1kj mol ,与文献报道的试验值吻合。离解能数据及速率常数的计算均证明ti的离解较为容易。
  • We research on the carbon dioxide dimers ( c2h and c2v ) by dft too . the results indicate that dissociation energies is kjmol - 1 and intermolecular vibration frequencies are small of both carbon dioxide dimers ( cah and civ ) . therefore we prove that the carbon dioxide dirners are weakly bound molecule indeed
    采用量子化学计算手段,我们研究了co _ 2二聚体( dimer ) ,证实了co _ 2二聚体确实是弱结合分子,因而在超临界状态下co _ 2具有很强的动力学特征。
  • In the theoretical simulation on the behavior of single helium atom in aluminum , the varieties of energy data including the formation , migration , binding , and dissociation energies for single helium atom at the interstitial , vacancy , grain boundary , and dislocation sites in aluminum lattice were calculated , based on the density functional theories , general gradient approximation and pseudopotential plane wave method . results showed that the most fittable sites for containing helium atoms inside the cell are vacancies . but in the view of the whole lattice , grain boundaries are the best
    计算结果表明,晶内he原子择优占位区是空位,而在整个晶体范围,最有利于容纳he原子的区域是晶界,位错容纳he原子的能力次于晶界和空位;在fcc -铝的间隙位中, he原子优先充填四面体间隙位;晶内间隙he原子是可动的,通过间隙he原子的运动,可在晶内聚集,或被空位、晶界、位错等缺陷束缚。
用"dissociation energy"造句  
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